How to Make Salt Cured Egg Yolks

The weather is warming up, the chickens are on the yard free-ranging and the eggs are coming in hot!

We eat and use a lot of eggs but I may have slightly miscalculated just how many eggs we were actually using when I came up with the number of chickens we needed. Which is fine because having chickens is amazing and everyone should have their own backyard flock. It has forced me to figure out different ways to use the influx of eggs.

It has been a long time since I’ve made salt cured egg yolks. My husband and I talked for years about making a bath but we never did. With the eggs coming in and constantly replenishing themselves, it made sense to get a batch going!

Salt cured egg yolks are incredibly easy to make. They do take quite a bit of resting time but they are so worth it.

What is a Salt Cured Egg Yolk

Salt cured egg yolks are egg yolks that have been separated from the whites, packed in salt and sugar and then dried until they are hard, like cheese.

Why Would You Cure and Egg Yolk

Salt curing egg yolks is actually a method of preservation! Humans have been using this method of preservation for centuries. While it is most popular with fish and red meats, there are many things you can preserve in salt.

What You Need to Make Salt Cured Egg Yolks

To make salt cured egg yolks, you will need equal parts sugar and salt, as well as 12 eggs.

You will also need a vessel to hold the eggs in. I am using a 9 x 12 Faberware casserole dish with a lid. It’s also helpful to use a spoon and have a small bowl to collect the whites.

How to Make Cured Egg Yolks

In a food processor, pulse the salt and sugar together until they create a very fine powder.

In your large casserole dish, spread out roughly half of the salt and sugar powder. Spread it out evenly and then make 12 small wells with the back of a spoon in the powder.

Crack the eggs over a small bowl and seperate the yolks from the whites. There are many methods to do this and many egg seperating contraptions but I just gently toss the yolk back and forth between the shells until the white comes apart.

Set the white aside as gently place the egg yolk into one of the wells. Repeat these steps until all of the egg yolks are in the powder.

Take the rest of the powder that you did not use and bury the yolks in it. You want to see as little yellow yolk as possible before covering the container and placing it into the frige for 5-6 days.

After 5 days, remove your cured egg yolks from the fridge. Begin preheating your oven to 170°F degrees or it’s lowest possible setting.

While the oven is preheating, remove the egg yolks from the salt and sugar powder and lighty dust off any remaining salt crystals. Rinse them under cool water and place them on a wire rack on a baking sheet.

Place the egg yolks into the oven for an hour to allow them to fully dry. They will be firm when removed from the oven. Allow them to cool completey before transferring to an air tight container and placing in the fridge.

These egg yolks will keep in the fridge for us to a month and sometimes even longer! Always inspect your food before consuming.

How to Use Cured Egg Yolks

Cured egg yolks are used as a garnish and will have a similar texture and taste to parmesan.

To use the salt cured egg yolks, simply grate the yolk onto your favourite soups, salads and pasta dishes.

What to Do With All the Egg Whites

When you are done preparing your egg yolks and they are in the fridge waiting the next step, you may be questioning what to do with all of the egg whites. We love to scramble ours up or use them in an omlette!

But you can also use them to make egg white quiches! You can find two of my quiche recipes listed below. Just substitute 1/4 cup of egg whites for each egg.

Yield: 12 yolks

Salt Cured Egg Yolks

Salt Cured Egg Yolks

Salty and rich, salt-cured egg yolks make an excellent dairy-free alternative to cheese on your favourite pasta dishes.


  • 2 1/2 cups sugar
  • 2 1/2 cups salt
  • 12 eggs


    In a food processor, pulse the salt and sugar together until they create a very fine powder.

    In a large 9x 12 casserole dish, spread out roughly half of the salt and sugar powder. Spread it out evenly and then make 12 small wells with the back of a spoon in the powder.

    Crack the eggs over a small bowl and seperate the yolks from the whites.

    Gently place the egg yolk into one of the wells. Repeat these steps until all of the egg yolks are in the powder.

    Take the rest of the powder that you did not use and bury the yolks in it. You want to see as little yellow yolk as possible before covering the container and placing it into the frige for 5-6 days.

    After 5 days, remove the egg yolks from the fridge.

    Preheating the oven to 170°F degrees or it's lowest possible setting.

    While the oven is preheating, remove the egg yolks from the salt and sugar powder and lighty dust off any remaining salt crystals. Rinse them under cool water and place them on a wire rack on a baking sheet.

    Place the egg yolks into the oven for an hour to allow them to fully dry. They will be firm when removed from the oven.

    Allow them to cool completey before transferring to an air tight container and placing in the fridge.

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